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About DBB - Symred as trustee for the Lane Family Trust
Whowe are
Dbb Marine Business Brokers has a focus onassisting buyers and sellers of marine based businesses due to the uniquenessof the marine assets. We recognize the specific nature of marine assets andhave extensive reach into the commercial marine markets. We are able to marketbusinesses to a buyer base that is focused on commercial marine activityincluding, design houses, manufacturers, ship builders, OEMs, services, transport,tourism, offshore in businesses worth between $5 to $150 M in value. In largersales processes we engage with the large accountancy firms leveraging theircapacity and back room abilities.
What we can do
We have specialised skills that add significant value when preparing abusiness for sale. Neil holds extensive business banking and liquidationexperience that is invaluable when considering all aspects of preparing theright information in the data room. Hence when we focus on the drive to thepresentation phase in preparation for engaging our buyer groups there isconfidence and clarity in the information required by credible business buyers.
Couple John's maritime asset and business understanding, we can hone thedata room to present a coherent business detail set, to put your business inthe best light with the buyer audit process. Consider this ...... if the datapresents well and the buyer's auditors (Deloittes, PWC etc) have little troublefinding what they need, it provides confidence the business is well run andthat can translate into higher value offers.
Our understanding andexperience
As owners start to consider retirement, the nextgenerations have the ability to leverage off quality reputations andstrengthening business financials. In the most part owners are keen to supporttheir hard earned reputations and loyal followings with a period of transitionto new owners which can ease the learning curve for the uninitiated buyers.
DBB can provide details of such businesses topre-qualified buyers (includes confidentiality agreements). Fwd bookings arealways impacted by knowledge of the potential sale of a business and we arecareful with regards to client exposure. That said frankly any business can befor sale at the right price.
Due to the nature of the selling effort, we work on a small group ofbusinesses at any time to focus capabilities. Our objective is to maximise hardearned effort for the once in life time opportunity to sell your business. Noother business sale organisation globally applies these combinations of skillsfor marine based businesses
Our team