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About Dorrigo 1 Property Sales
Dorrigo 1 Property Sales wasborn on October 18th 2011. It came into being due to a true passionfor Real Estate in Dorrigo and surrounding areas.
My partner Jane Wells and Imoved to Dorrigo in May 2005 when we purchased a block of land on the outskirtsof the town. We were welcomed into the community and soon realised this was avery special place to live and work. The added bonus of course was thebeautiful countryside and views to die for. We felt instantly welcomed here andhad no hesitation in building our dream home overlooking farmland.
We have decided not tooperate from an office in the town, as with the internet and telephone we feelthat will be more than sufficient to run a successful business, giving us totalflexibility.
Having been in real estate inDorrigo since 2008 I have made many contacts, vendors and purchasers alike, andwill continue to provide those with 110% good service that I have alwaysstrived to give in the past, together with very competitive rates oncommission. Market Appraisals can also be catered for by appointment.
Our Vision for thefuture
To offer clients theopportunity to acquire their own dream home or property at a realistic price,matching properties to people and people to properties, ensuring a smoothjourney throughout this time, keeping all parties informed during the buying orselling process.
Communication is the key!After all buying or selling a home is one of the major milestones in ones life.
We hope that you will give usthe opportunity to either market your property for sale, or help you purchaseyour dream home.
In the months and years tocome we hope that the name of our company, Dorrigo 1 Property Sales, will reflectthe Number 1 Servicethat we intend to give to all our clients.
As a final note, Jane and Iwish to thank all the people from far and wide who have encouraged us in thisventure, we really do appreciate your good wishes and support.

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