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ERCEG Management
320 Lord St Perth WA 6000
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Top categories
- 10.4% Leisure
- 5.2% Showrooms
- 4.2% Other
- 3.1% Industrial
- 1.0% ServicedOffices
About ERCEG Management
Who is Erceg Management Pty Ltd and what do they do?
Erceg Management Pty Ltd is a Western Australian family operated boutiqueproperty investment company focusing on retail shopping centres and otherproperty investments.
Erceg Management Pty Ltd leases and manages its own property investments. Weare not a real estate agency so our sole focus is on the assets in our care. Wemanage over 250 tenants in our portfolio from large supermarkets and departmentstores to the local fish and chip shop.
We are “hands on” operators. We care about our tenants, who they are and whatthey do. We want all our tenants to succeed in their business pursuits.
We have several staff on site every day to ensure our shopping centres areclean, tidy, well maintained and safe.
When dealing with Erceg Management Pty Ltd you are dealing with the Landlorddirectly and not through an agency ensuring our service is efficient andstreamlined.
For more information on the above please contact:
Anthony Sorgiovanni: 0411 889 355
Vlad Bullo: 0407 597 885
Office (320 Lord Street, Highgate): 9422 1888

Our team