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Glenn Dias Real Estate

307 North East Road Hampstead Gardens SA 5086

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  • 13.3% Retail
  • 6.7% Leisure

About Glenn Dias Real Estate

Glenn Dias Real Estate is a real estate agency specialising in commercial property, offering office, consulting and other properties for lease.

Now inour second decade of business as an Independent Real Estate Agency, we are in agood position to say that time and experience makes a difference.

Our Agency has faced its fairshare of challenges, most recently the 2020 global pandemic, and we find thatit is in tough times that we excel in looking after our clients.  You needlook no further if you are after a solution for your property challenges.

At Glenn Dias Real Estate, ourquick thinking and results driven team will impress you with their positiveenergy and can do attitude.  Carefully picked for their ability to balancepersonal ambition with dedication to the client, our team members are trainedto understand that when they look after clients, our business will look afteritself.

Our team members are fromdiverse backgrounds and they all have one goal – to be there for our clientseven in the hardest of times. It is such traits that we have built our businesson, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews and the steady flow of referralbusiness from happy clients.

Being a small and nimbleorganisation with a culture of open communication, we are constantly reviewingand improving the way we work.  We believe in lifetime learning and we areearly adopters of new and cutting edge technology.  All of this helps usto meet our clients evolving expectations, turning them into our Ambassadorsand raving fans for life.

If you are curious to knowmore, get in touch with us and hear first-hand from our Agency Principal why weare different and what difference that can make to your Real Estategoals.   Go to the “Contact Us” page for more details.


To be recognised as asuccessful and trusted independent brand deriving benefit for our clients bysupplementing the Australian values of mutual respect and fair play withglobally benchmarked standards of efficiency and business acumen.

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The team at Glenn Dias Real Estate located at 307 North East Road Hampstead Gardens SA 5086 has leased 3 properties, and currently has 2 commercial properties for lease advertised on Commercial Real Estate.
1/185 - 189 Main South Road Morphett Vale SA 5162
For LeaseContact Agent
1/185 - 189 main south road,morphett vale, SA 5162
2-8 Main South Road Old Reynella SA 5161
For LeaseContact Agent
2-8 main south road,old reynella, SA 5161
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Map for 307 North East Road Hampstead Gardens SA 5086
Map for 307 North East Road Hampstead Gardens SA 5086307 North East Road Hampstead Gardens SA 5086
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