Off Market Hotels & Off Market Group is a real estate agency specialising in commercial property, offering accommodationtourism, foodbeveragehospitality and leisure properties for sale and lease. It is also a business broker specialising in businesses for sale.
Whilst we are licensed real estate agency currently based on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, we do things differently!
Yes we do have a lot of visible "On Market” real estate property listings BUT we have lots of high quality “Off The Market”, “Off The Plan” unit projects, house and land projects and very high quality commercial properties including hotels.
We will grow OMR nationally and will open satellite offices in Melbourne and Sydney to assist us drive southern investors to Queensland.
OMR (Off Market Real Estate) currently has many Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Tropical North Queensland Projects available ONLY to off market buyers.
Off Market Real Estate Buyers benefit significantly with better value and less competition PLUS we offer Off Market Real Estate Buyers an OMR cash incentive, depending on the property, up to $5,000 (some conditions apply)
At OMR, we use the highest discretion when dealing buyers and sellers as it is most important to protect both parties interests.
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The team at Off Market Hotels & Off Market Group located at 62/22 Montgomery Avenue Main Beach QLD 4217 has sold 1 property and leased 2 properties, and currently has 13 commercial properties for sale, 2 commercial properties for lease and 37 businesses advertised on Commercial Real Estate.