Robert Stevens Commercial Real Estate is a real estate agency specialising in commercial property, offering industrial, rural and retail properties for sale and lease. It is also a business broker specialising in businesses for sale.
RobertStevens COMMERCIALReal Estate provides a service related to the Client who has an interest in property as a Buyer, Seller, Landlord orTenant. With this focus, the needs of the Client are confidentially negotiated.
Robert Stevens the principal of RobertStevens COMMERCIALReal Estate [RSCRE] has been operating in the region forthe past fifteen years as an independent agent.
RSCREis located at ThurgoonaPlaza, 10 Shuter Avenue, Thurgoona NSW, to whomRSCREprovide the services as Thurgoona Plaza Centre Management.
Robert is a Land Economist holding a Real Estate Licence for NSW and Victoria.
For professional advice call Robert Stevens - 0418 391 976.
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The team at Robert Stevens Commercial Real Estate located at Thurgoona Plaza, 10 Shuter Ave Thurgoona NSW 2640 has sold 1 property and leased 21 properties, and currently has 3 commercial properties for sale and 5 businesses advertised on Commercial Real Estate.