Transport, Distribution & Storage business for sale in Bundaberg
- Transport, Distribution & Storage
- 1081 Moore Park Road Bundaberg QLD 4670
- $450,000 (GST na)
Business Servicing Major And Iconic Events And Explore QLD At The Same Time
Phone enquiries - please quote property ID 31752.
Ever wanted to explore Queensland, get paid to attend iconic festivals and earn an easy living? What about spend more time with your closest loved ones at the same time?
An exciting opportunity is now available to do all this and more.
Large scale events are very often too big for what typical venues can provide, which provides for a constant source of work. Festivals, music concerts, rodeos, race meetings, sporting events and community based events are increasingly more popular in our regional communities that typically have limited essential services. This business provides a perfect combination of travel and work lifestyle, whilst being able to maintain a home base if desired.
The opportunity includes a well established, growing business. Over the last 12 months the turnover is up approximately 20% when based on 2022 completed bookings and 2023 bookings(completed and booked in with deposits paid).
QLD Mobile Toilets is a thriving business providing essential services to all size events and festivals with bulk toilet and shower amenities. It provides a full time income but only work part time. The work includes exploring Queensland travelling to jobs, setting up and packing up semi trailer toilet and shower units, cleaning before, during and after as well as plenty of time to enjoy the event while there.
The business includes:
7 semi trailer units all registered in Qld and comprises of:
4 semi trailer toilets (13-14 cubicles and a 7 mt urinal) in each trailer.
2 shower trailers (16 cubicles in each trailer.
1 shower/toilet trailer (6 toilets, 6 showers and a 4 mt urinal)
Each trailer is set up including everything required to operate including cleaning products and equipment, hoses, leads and fittings.
4 Prime Movers with all trucks registered in Qld:
2007 DAF single drive Prime Mover
1998 Western Star single drive Prime Mover
2005 Mack Premium single drive Prime Mover
2007 Isuzu GVD single drive Prime Mover
1 x 2023 Able 7 KVA generator
1 x 2022 Excavation Equipment 6.5 KVA generator
Stock and spare parts:
All stock included in sale price including spare toilet paper and hand towels, cleaning products etc.
A large array of spare parts for trailers and trucks, for doing repairs and general maintenance.
Also included in the sale of the business is:
Business name.
Web site and Facebook pages. ( (Queensland - QLD Mobile Toilets)
All contacts from existing to previous bookings.
All existing bookings current and also advanced bookings for 2024.
This business is for sale for the whole package for a turn key operation, however we are only seeking the value of the equipment as the sale price. A full stock inventory is available for interested buyers.
DISCLAIMER No Agent Business ( is an Australian For Sale By Owner website operating since 1999. We proudly assist business owners who are looking to sell their own business without paying any broker commission. While every care has been taken to verify the accuracy of the details in this advertisement, the correctness cannot be guaranteed.
Business Highlights
Business ID | 2018685567 |
Floor Area | Ask Business Broker |
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Last updated |

Business Highlights
Business ID | 2018685567 |
Floor Area | Ask Business Broker |
Category | |
Last updated |