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Restaurant business for sale in Townsville City

  • Restaurant
  • Townsville City QLD 4810
  • $245,000 (GST na)

Popular Korean Restaurant in Heart of Townsville CBD

* This Korean restaurant is undoubtedly one of the best in Townsville's CBD precinct.

* The City Lane draws shoppers and diners are alike due to its close proximity in city centre with major anchor tenants.

* The financials are healthy and supported by proven track records.

* This business offers exceptional opportunities for someone looking to acquire further businesses to expand or move to regional areas to be an owner operator.

* Situated in heart of Townsville CBD.
* Major anchor tenants within its centre precinct
* Korean cuisine with Asian fusion flavoured menu served.

Sales & Profit Guide
* Average weekly sales hovering around $23,500
* Consistent sales with minimal seasonal effects.
* Operating profit: around $5,000/week

Lease Info
* Rent: $1,754 (excluding GST)
* Outgoings: $407/week

* 1 full time, 2 part time, 3 casuals

Trading Days & Hours
7 days lunch & dinner

Potentials & Remarks
* Longest serving Korean restaurant in town
* Suit to those who have passion for cooking, particularly
for Asian fusion cuisine


Alex Young Kim

Principal (Licensee-In-Charge)
Licensed Real Estate and Business Agent | iDEAL Realty Advisors
Suite 02, Level 7, /9 Delhi Road North Ryde, NSW 2000 Australia

T: +61 414 088 089

Disclaimer: All information contained herein has been furnished to us by vendor and third party suppliers. We have not verified this information but have no reason to doubt its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. Suggested financial guideline may have been impacted by the COVID impacted due to volatile trading conditions. Uploaded photos may not be actual and illustration only. All interested parties should make and rely upon their own inquiries to determine whether or not this information is in fact, accurate.

iDEAL Realty
iDEAL Realty
Suite 20, 301 Castlereagh St
Sydney, NSW 2000

Business Highlights

Business ID2018945596
Floor AreaAsk Business Broker
Last updated  7 Dec 2023
Map for Townsville City QLD 4810
Map for Townsville City QLD 4810Townsville City QLD 4810
iDEAL Realty
iDEAL Realty
Suite 20, 301 Castlereagh St
Sydney, NSW 2000

Business Highlights

Business ID2018945596
Floor AreaAsk Business Broker
Last updated  7 Dec 2023

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