- Tharbogang NSW 2680
- Tharbogang NSW 2680
965 rural & farming properties for sale in Tharbogang, NSW 2680
Includes surrounding areas
Price $1,400,000 (GST na) Address 1321 Walshs Bridge Road, Numurkah VIC 3636
- 3 titles, 20+ paddocks, 443.28ac - Approx 180 - 200ac lasered, approx 300ac commandable, approx 140ac dryland - Irrigation water supplied via open cut channels, 3ph 50HP 10" electric pump located...
Highlight Size 179.39 ha Property Type Rural / Farming Price $420,000 (GST na) Address 52 Little Murray Weir Road, Castle Donnington VIC 3585
* 80 acres (32.38)ha of grey river soils, majority lasered and piped. * 30 acres sown to Lucerne , Shaftel & Ryegrass, balance sown to Oats. * Fenced into two paddocks with good boundary...
Highlight Size 31.1 ha Property Type Rural / Farming Price $5,000 per acre including Irrigation License Address Warroo NSW 2871
Located in the fertile Lachlan Valley on the Jemalong Irrigation Scheme this fantastic property boasts 1262 acres of prime farming land of red and rich heavy grey loam soils. Suited to all facets ...
Highlight Size 510 ha Property Type Rural / Farming Price Contact Agent Address 100 Morgans Mill Road BEARII & 120A Kull Road, Katandra VIC 3634
100 Morgans Mill Road, Bearii(Lot 1) & 120A Kull Road, Katandra(Lot2) LICENCED SAND & GRAVEL QUARRIES On Account of Bill & Thelma Gread - "Greads" Sand & Gravel Quarries - Commercial Scale Lot 1 - ...
Highlight Size 73.65 ha Property Type Rural / Farming Price Tenders Close 25 March 2017 Address 183 - 187 Gray, Swan Hill VIC 3585
OFFERED for SALE by TENDER: As a Whole: being 6.47 hectares (64,700 metres) on 2 titles, with a 37 megalitre high reliability water entitlement and 16.8 megalitre low reliability water entitlement. ...
Highlight Size 6.47 ha Property Type Rural / Farming
Proposed Developments