- Wedge Island WA 6044
- Wedge Island WA 6044
7 commercial properties for sale in Wedge Island, WA 6044
Includes surrounding areas
Price $9,150,000 Address Dandaragan WA 6507
ResortBrokers is proud to present Dandaragan Redgum Village, a well-developed Accommodation Village with 106 ensuited rooms, located an easy 160km drive north of the Perth CBD. The Village's...
Highlight Size 1.94 ha Property Type Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure - Under Offer
Price EOI (under offer) Address 2240 Mimegarra Road, Mimegarra WA 6507
LAWD is pleased to present for sale Mimegarra Road (the Property), comprising a total land area of 1,080* hectares, underpinned by a significant 6,400* megalitre water entitlement. Advanced planning...
Highlight Size 1,080 ha Property Type Rural / Farming Price Offers From $10,000,000 Address 522 Koonah Road, Badgingarra WA 6521
This 1564 ha, 570mm rainfall predominantly grazing property is ripe for a full blown conversion into a cropping enterprise. The property is immediately available for a soil amelioration program ...
Highlight Size 1,564 ha Property Type Rural / Farming - Under Offer
Price EOI (under offer) Address 2240 Mimegarra Road, Mimegarra WA 6507
LAWD is pleased to present for sale Mimegarra Road (the Property), comprising a total land area of 1,080* hectares, underpinned by a significant 6,400* megalitre water entitlement. Advanced planning...
Highlight Size 1,080 ha Property Type Rural / Farming - Under Offer
Price Expressions of Interest (under offer) Address Lot 3816 Minyulo Road, Dandaragan WA 6507
Elders are proud to offer this unique parcel of land that has been well cared for by the owners for over 60 years. Conservatively farmed with a clover ley system keeping the ground cover to enhance...
Highlight Size 705.68 ha Property Type Rural / Farming Price $641,250 - $705,375 (GST na) Address 9936a Indian Ocean Drive, Dandaragan WA 6507
Amazing find situated in the middle of crown land just 20kms from the ocean and wedge island sits this 100 acre property of lovely native bushland, trees, paddock and weekender setup. Including...
Highlight Size 40.47 ha Property Type Rural / Farming Price Offers Address 13946 Brand Highway, Badgingarra WA 6521
Coastal Climate with Security of Water 550mm rainfall in frost free Zone with abundant ground water Undulating Loamy Gravels with some deeper soils fenced into 25 paddocks Ongoing amelioration...
Highlight Size 1,364.6 ha Property Type Rural / Farming
Proposed Developments