This secluded and peaceful home is approx. 40 acres of undulating treed grazing land fenced into 5 paddocks with 5 dams. Surrounded on three sides by state forest, stock are provided all round summer and winter protection. Bird life is prolific, and kangaroos even koalas are present in the surrounding bush.
The home features 3 bedrooms, master with ensuite and b.i.r, lounge has large Koonara wood heater that incorporates hot water heating when operating. Solar hot water heating also has Bosch instamatic water heating back up.
With ducted evaporative air conditioning throughout, the home also features a large lounge, kitchen with breakfast bar, gas cooking and fridge, slate floor and pantry cupboards, all overlooking a large decked entertainment area with views of rock lined garden beds and northern paddocks.
The shaded decked veranda areas incorporate 3 sides of the home. There is a 40 x 20 powered shed, large bird aviaries ,38000L water tank and many other features. The house dam features its own pier and is stocked with native fish and landscaped up to the house.. Solar powered with back up Rutland wind generator on 40ft tower and Lister diesel generator, the home is self-sufficient.
This property is only a 5 min drive from Newstead, Maldon and Lake Cairn Curran and less than 1.5 hr commute to Melbourne.