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- › Rural / Farming
- › 134 Lemontree Drive, Mutchilba QLD 4872
134 Lemontree Drive Mutchilba QLD 4872
- Rural / Farming
- 161.87 ha
- Sold, $675,000
Looking for that unique lifestyle property that gives you that country feel of living with privacy and the most spectacular views you have ever seen !!!
Then this off the grid 400 acre free hold is the place for you. It has so much to offer with your very own private target shooting range platform, established tracks for 4-wheel driving, quad/ motorbike riding with unlimited room for life stock especially horses and cattle, the choice is yours.
Located at very sought after Oaky Valley, this property is just 25 minutes from Mareeba or Atherton and 1.5hrs from Cairns international airport.
The current owners use it as a family get away which has turned into longer stays as its uniqueness begs you to stay.
While there is no house of such, there is a large house pad in place ready to go.
However, there is a massive 10x10m two story shed/house that has 4 bedrooms and 1 bathroom upstairs. Kitchen, lounge/ dining and laundry downstairs with generous storage space and outdoor shower.
- 400 acres freehold
- Zoned Rural
- 2x sheds, both council approved as SHEDS, the liveable shed is not approved as a house/
liveable dwelling. Originally it was just a weekender that turned into long stays.
- Multiple seasonal creeks and waterfalls
- Perfect property for Shooting, motorbikes, 4wdriving, cattle, horses, lifestyle living
- 10 x 10m, 6m high, 2 story, 4 rooms upstairs, kitchen, lounge and laundry downstairs.
- 10 x 9m lean-too with shelving and vehicle accommodation
- Poles concreted on front side in prep for veranda/ deck.
- Framed for 4 rooms upstairs.
- Lighting downstairs (LED).
- 2x toilets, upstairs and downstairs.
- Bulk storage cupboards in laundry.
- Shower upstairs.
- Outdoor shower
- Septic
- 3x AC, 1x large downstairs, 2x small in up stairs rooms.
- 17 x 6m Solid build from G&C Twi-dale Engineering with 55 ton of concrete and steel
fabbed beams.
- Shooting or social platform has beer and wine location, could add bifold doors and deck
out for an Air B&B to rent out. Has been used for Wedding photos and events
- Cel-fi phone booster.
- Small solar setup on platform, enough to run lab-radar, phone charging and lights.
- 10k - worth of bistolloy steel for targets (installed) small squares are all mounted on
conveyor belt now to minimize maintenance an movement? response.
- Off grid solar system in main living shed 5kw solar, new lithium batteries, Victron inverter
and solar regulator/ charger, generator inlet and changeover switches, can be set up to
run diesel genset with auto changeover if required.
- Private wifi network ($90 a month, Unlimited) bounced from windfarm to main fibre
backbone in Walkamin to Brisbane (excellent coverage even in storms, maintained and
owned by an IT guru in Walkamin)
- Satellite NBN- mounted and ready to activate if needed.
- Solar bore
- 2hp bore pump, runs any time it's sunny, bore never runs out of water
- 2x Water trough on water line from bore that auto fill with floats
- 11,000L water tank
- Large pad 300m from front gate for house or large shed with water tank pad above it
(originally cut for a house pad)
- Extensive trails bulldozed around property giving motorbike and 4wd access to most parts
of property
- 7km of gravel spread on driveway to make more accessible in heavy wet season
- 1x dam / access to South lowland paddocks, doesn't hold water yet as it was just pushed
up, was primarily to gain access.
- 1x cleared workshop pad or short distance shooting location in lowlands
- 2 large paddocks cleared, lots of wood available if wanted to sell
- Extensively seeded with Brachy (good for cattle) also lots of secca stylo and kangaroo grass
- Spares for the bore
Acreage of this size and uniqueness are rarely placed on the market and very tightly held. For more information or to arrange your very own private inspection. Contact Exclusive Marketing agent Rino Gava 0427779086 or Email: rino@girgentigroup.com