"Kinross" consists of approximately 416 hectares on 8 titles, presenting a rare opportunity to acquire land in an extremely sort after location. Situated 26km west of Katanning and 16km east of Kojonup, it has the luxury of sharing road frontage with the water pipeline having one connection point.
The topography is gently undulating with soil types being a mix of productive medium loams suited to both cropping and livestock enterprises. Kinross is fenced into 12 paddocks watered by 15 dams and one scheme connection.
The fixed improvements include a two-stand shearing shed wood framed shearing shed in good condition. The adjoining sheep yards are also in good condition with an old set of cattle yards alongside. There are two machinery sheds, with one having a fertiliser bay. The hay shed also has a partially concreted floor. The house is a three-bedroom, one bathroom home in average condition.
If you are considering an expansion property or a start-up property, then don't pass up the opportunity that Kinross presents.
Kinross will be sold by Auction 1pm Tuesday September 12th 2023.
For further information on the property, auction details or to organise an inspection call Ian Hanna on 0427215076.