MMJ Real Estate (WA) as exclusive agents are pleased to offer to the market 17a Anderson Road, Forrestfield WA for sale by Private Treaty.
This investment has the following key highlights:
* Offered for sale at an attractive 6.73% fully net return
* Net Lease to Kids Academy Early Learning Centre and Outside School Hours Care
* Kids Academy are a high quality WA based operator who currently have 10 child care and outside school hour care businesses
* 100% leased 'freehold' investment with all outgoings including land tax and management fees recovered from the Lessee
* Existing lease runs to December 2033 with 3 x additional 5 year options to December 2048
* Attractive built in rental growth via annual fixed 3% reviews and Market Reviews at options and a ratchet clause applies
* Rent of $360,000 per annum excluding GST and outgoings
* Single level purpose built centre which has been upgraded several times since original construction.
* Trades from 2 separate buildings on the same title, one for the LDC and other for the OSHC
* Licensed for 183 places
* Site area of 3,769 square metres
* Zoned 'Residential (R20)' and 'Commercial' under the City of Kalamunda
For Sale by Private Treaty
$5,350,000 (Going Concern)
For further details or to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Geers.