Over 1.6 HA
Sewer Services On Site
Low Density Residential
Around 4 mins to Riverstone Station
or 8 mins to Rouse Hill Town Centre
Elevated Site up to 38m Ahd
All offers/submissions will remain confidential and will not be reviewed by the vendor until after close . The vendor reserves the right to refuse any offer that is not in their best interest.
Upon acceptance of an offer proposal the vendor requires a prompt unconditional exchange of Contracts to secure the property including a 66W certificate.
Option proposals are unlikely to be accepted.
Contact Ann Watkins - 0419 695 955 - ann@wilkinsonsriverstone.com.au for your Information Memorandum
Wilkinsons Property hereby give notice that all information given, whether verbally, written or in an advertisement, is given without responsibility. Information has been gathered from sources we consider to be reliable however we cannot guarantee or give any warranty to the information provided.
Take note that interested parties must rely solely upon their own enquiries,to satisfy themselves of any pertinent matters.