Burgess Rawson are pleased to present to the market for sale 22 Rudloc Road, Morley. This significant 1.0244 ha freehold site represents a rare opportunity to acquire one of the biggest freehold sites in Morley with substantial development upside and a plethora of potential uses.
The property has a total of circa 1,850sqm of original saw tooth warehousing improvements over two main buildings and 6 warehouses with individual access. The warehouses present to a modest standard being suitable for storage. The front tenancy is leased to Ultratune with a gross income of $72,000 pa with a redevelopment clause. For further details of the leases and income in place please request from the selling agents. Circa 1,200sqm of the improvements are currently vacant adding an opportunity to rent out the balance of the warehouses for additional income.
Key Features include;
Substantial 1.0244 ha freehold site
Rarely available size of land in Morley
Zoned - 'Centre R-AC0'
Improvements of circa 1,850sqm
Gross Holding Income of $108,450 pa
Substantial development opportunity
Rear access from Catherine Street
Central Morley location
High multitude of potential uses
Outstanding accessibility to key thoroughfares
The property is ideally located within very close proximity to key amenity and the Perth CBD and is just;
- 500 metres* from Morley Galleria
- 500 metres* from Morley Bus Station
- 7.6km* from Perth CBD
- Directly backs onto John Forrest Secondary College
- 1.1km* from Collier Road
- 3km* from Tonkin Highway
- 2.3km* to Morley Drive
The property is zoned 'Centre R-AC0' according to the City of Bayswater Town Planning Scheme 24.
For additional information around the planning scheme and permissible uses please refer to the Information Memorandum
Legal Description
Described as Lot 2 on Diagram 17861 Volume 1165 Folio 277
Asking Price
For Sale: $6,500,000 + GST
For further information please contact the exclusive sales agents Luke Randazzo on 0417 181 309 & Ben Flanagan on 0405 929 167