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- › 261 Krugers Road, Chinchilla QLD 4413
261 Krugers Road Chinchilla QLD 4413
- Rural / Farming
- 544.58 ha
- For Sale, Offers Over $2,495,000
Backgrounding and 1,000 SCU Registered Feedlot Operation ---- 1,345-acre agricultural property ---- 26 kilometres northwest of Chinchilla
This highly productive 1,345-ACRE AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY, located just 26 KILOMETRES NORTHWEST OF CHINCHILLA, offers an exceptional opportunity for a cattle operation. The property is centrally located between QUEENSLAND'S MAJOR CATTLE SELLING CENTRES OF DALBY AND ROMA SALEYARDS, providing easy access to critical markets and logistics hubs. The property is in the heart of the Darling Downs grain growing region, with close access to GRAINS AND FEED COMMODITIES. There is also ROAD TRAIN ACCESS to the feedlot. With a solid backgrounding capacity, robust water resources, 1,000 SCU feedlot licence and supporting infrastructure, this property is well-suited to support large-scale livestock management.
- The property spans 1,345 acres of fertile land, with BELAH, BRIGALOW, BOX, AND WILGA COUNTRY supporting over 800 ACRES OF CULTIVATION, primarily grey loamy soil.
- The land includes 80 ACRES OF RHODES GRASS and 720 ACRES OF FALLOW GROUND, which is ready for the introduction of WINTER FORAGE CROPS. The property has the ability to background OVER 600 HEAD OF CATTLE AT A TIME, with two rotations annually.
- Water is a standout feature of this property, with 2 BORES over 380 METERS DEEP, each capable of producing 8,000 GALLONS PER HOUR. These bores feed into FIVE 5,000-GALLON TANKS that supply water to the feedlot and troughs across every paddock.
- 30 ML Stock Intensive Water Licence
- A 65-MEGALITRE DAM provides water to the entire property, supported by five additional dams and semi-permanent waterholes in the creek. Two creeks run through the property, ensuring no concerns regarding water shortages.
- The FEEDLOT is licensed for 1,000 STANDARD CATTLE UNITS (SCU), with approved development plans for expansion to 3,000 SCU and potentially up to 4,500 SCU. The feedlot area is currently capable of comfortably handling OVER 3,000 HEAD.
- The facility includes 13 PENS, complete with feed bunks, water troughs, and shade sail posts. LANEWAYS connect each pen to the yards, with a 500-HEAD YARD FACILITY, 3 SILT PONDS, and 65-MEGALITRE DAM enhancing the system's efficiency.
- The property also boasts extensive infrastructure such as a NEW FEEDMILL equipped with a RENN ROLLERMILL (15-30T/HR), 3 X 50T SILOS, MACHINERY STORAGE, FEED SHED, SHADE AREAS AND COMMODITY BUNKS.
- The feedlot consists of new fencing, gateways and cattle rail stays.
- FEEDLOT MANURE is managed annually, with the 5,000-TONNE MANURE recently spread across the property, and an additional 3,000 TONNES STACKED and ready for future application. This helps maintain soil fertility and supports long-term sustainability.
- Feedlot Ponds provide further slurry that can be utilised on the cultivation.
- The manure and slurry provide essential nutrients and nitrogen to enhance the productivity of the fodder crops.
- The property includes a recently renovated 2-BEDROOM TIMBER HOUSE, complete with a CARPORT, VERANDAH, and AIR CONDITIONING. The house also has 8,500 GALLONS OF WATER STORAGE and has undergone significant improvements, including NEW TANKS, GUTTERS, AND RENOVATED FOUNDATIONS to ensure excellent drainage.
- The property features near new 4 OR 5 BARB BOUNDARY FENCING, and the entire property is divided into 7 PADDOCKS, all equipped with a water source. Each paddock has DOUBLE-GATE GATEWAYS for ease of livestock and machinery movement.
- NEW ROADS have been surfaced and graded, ensuring all-weather access. Paddock tracks and fire breaks have been recently graded. CATTLE PANELS have been installed over 600 METRES, along with NEW FEED BUNKS and 2 KM OF WATER PIPING in the feedlot.
- ELECTRICITY has been installed, supplying power directly to the house and feedlot, ensuring a reliable and modern energy supply.
- UPGRADED YARDS include 4 NEW PENS, a NEW "CROWS NEST" POUND DRAFTING SYSTEM, as well as a new FOUR-WAY DRAFTING SYSTEM FROM THE CRUSH. Two new RAMPS have been added for handling ROAD TRAINS and facilitating loading/unloading of machinery.
- Gravel Pit: The property contains a newly operational GRAVEL PIT, with over 5,000 TONNES OF GRAVEL available.
This property offers an excellent combination of land for cultivation, top-tier infrastructure, and water security to support intensive cattle operations and cropping. With SIGNIFICANT FEEDLOT CAPACITY, robust water systems, and well-maintained infrastructure, this is a premium opportunity for investors or operators looking to expand their agricultural operations.
Jeromy Wainwright, with the Jacqui Walker Sells Team at RE/MAX Success Toowoomba, is available to answer your questions or to arrange your inspection. You are welcome to call, SMS or send an online inquiry any time. SEE THIS HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY NOW!
***Disclaimer: All care taken, however quoted figures and amounts are approximate only.