28 Miles Road is a duplex on 2,340 square metres of land, providing 1,170 square metres of land for each side. This property includes 580 square metres of air-conditioned office/showroom facing the street which can be divided into 290 square metres each side, this is to be constructed of rendered besser block with extensive glazing at the front. The warehouse area is 290sqm on either side and will be clearspan and offer a generous internal clearance and accessed via one wide electric container height roller door.
Located only 8.6 radial kilometres north east of Darwin's GPO, in the new commercial estate, Berrimah Business Park. This location is central to the greater Darwin area, positioned on the Stuart Highway allowing convenient access to Darwin City and Palmerston. Berrimah Business Park is also only a few hundred metres from Berrimah Road/ Vanderlin Drive which facilitates access to Darwin's northern suburbs and the East Arm Port.
Can be completed 6 months after a Contract or 'Heads of Agreement' are reached.
Contact Ankita Rayal today on 0400 428 900 to discuss what we can do for you.