A superb opportunity to acquire one Tasmania's most frequented business centered around the honey industry.
The offering includes the very successful "Melita Honey Farm" business and freehold property located in the quaint township of Chudleigh on one of the main roads to Mole Creek Caves & Cradle Mountain.
Melita Honey Farm has been built on a very successful product line centered around honey, sourced locally and from around Australia. The honey is processed on site into various products including world renowned ice-cream, flavoured honey and skin care products.
The offering also comes with various value add potential. The business does not operate on Saturdays, with this trade estimated to increase annual turnover significantly. There is a sub-division plan in the works for the surplus land, along with a neighbouring dwelling available to be purchased separately.
The business and the freehold is available for $800,000 + SAV.
Please contact one of the listing agents to arrange an inspection or for more information.