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- › 363 Middle Pocket Road, Middle Pocket NSW 2483
363 Middle Pocket Road Middle Pocket NSW 2483
- Rural / Farming
- 49.07 ha
- For Sale, $1.6m Share Sale, please review carefully
A Half Share of a Wonderful Conservation Property with 2 Homes, Creeks and Hobby Farming
An unusual but exciting opportunity to be part of the wonderful Australian conservation movement.
A half share in this property is available to purchase.
Beautiful Middle Pocket in Northern NSW, all the hard work has been done with the conservation covenant in place.
There are only the two owners as tenants-in-common. The remaining owner is seeking a new co-owner, preferably for 50% of the property.
One Option is continue to both be absentee owners and continue with the rentals of the 2 homes on the property that provide income to manage and conserve the property.
If you are seeking your new home, another Option would be to live in one of the houses and continue a rental of the other. If you want both houses for some reason, that possibly could be up for discussion.
A small herd of cattle also assists in the non-conservation areas and contribute to income.
The 5 acres adjacent to one of the houses could also be utilised if you have a passion project.
The main focus is to share this property with environmentalists inspired by what has been created and committed to its continued protection and regeneration or be very willing to learn.
The property enjoys many and comprehensive assets.
The land is 49.07 ha with an attractive balance of flats, sloping land and bushland in the sought-after Middle Pocket valley.
The property is bisected by 372 Middle Pocket Road (MPR) with 1 house (2 bedroom and sleepout) and 1.896 ha on the north side. The balance (47.17 ha) on the south side of the road 363 Middle Pocket Road with a 4 bedroom and sleep out home.
A Botanical Survey in 2007 recorded 230 plant species in the proposed conservation area and highlighted the mature rainforest on the southern boundary.
A Fauna Survey in 2011 revealed 52 different vertebrate fauna species and highlighted the importance of the intact, old-growth bushland as home to a diverse range of vertebrate species.
The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) installed a conservation covenant on almost half (24.8 ha) the property in 2020 to protect the old-growth bushland and the unnamed tributary of Lacks Creek on the south side of MPR.
Translocation of endangered Hairy Quandong (Eleocarpus williamsianus) cuttings within the conservation area.
A Conservation Partners' Grant from NSW BCT has provided an opportunity to work alongside a local Bush Regeneration Team to conduct weed control and supplementary planting within the conservation area.
A start has been made on a new rainforest corridor along the unnamed tributary of Lacks Creek on the south side of the property.
Local bird-watching volunteers have identified up to 100 native bird species across the property.
Two renovated cottages are rented to permanent tenants.
The former dairy building has been part-renovated and provides short term accommodation for farm visits for the owners and could be further enhanced.
Flood-free access exists to both cottages and the dairy building.
A permanent water supply is maintained to both cottages and the former dairy bails.
A contractor maintains the lawns at both cottages, the domestic area around the former dairy building and the road verges.
The water system has remote-monitoring system to record water levels in the supply tank.
A termite-control program is maintained to protect both cottages and the dairy bails.
A small cow-and calf operation is maintained on the property.
. Permanent water for stock in creeks.
Plant and equipment include a second-hand tractor and machinery (eg. slasher, carry-all and post-hole digger), and a motor vehicle for farm visits
Other improvements include new boundary fences, new cattle yards for stock loading and management, and a new bridge across the unnamed tributary of Lacks Creek.
Although irrigation ceased on the farm in 2004, the irrigation licence has been retained which allows up to 14 ML per year.
Ecological monitoring sites have been established within the conservation area to monitor changes in biodiversity over time.
The following are available for review on request:
Attachment 8. Map 4. Conservation area work zones
Attachment 9. Plant species list_363 Middle Pocket Road
Attachment 10. Vegetation data_363 Middle Pocket Road
Attachment 11. Wildlife survey_363 Middle Pocket Road
Attachment 12. Vertebrate list_363 Middle Pocket Road
Attachment 13. Bird count observations_363 Middle Pocket Road
Attachment 14. Bushland Restoration Services_Final Report_2023
Attachment 16: Ecological Assets and History since 2006
It is 35 minutes' drive to Gold Coast airport, less than 2 hours to Brisbane, 30 minutes to Byron Bay, 8 hours to Sydney.
From coastal living to lush hinterland, the Northern Rivers offers a scenic backdrop to everyday life. With a population of 310,000+ residents and 200,000+ jobs, the region is home to thriving construction, health and hospitality industries. Life doesn't get much better than kayaking the rivers, competing in triathlons, cycling the winding roads and having music and arts festivals on your doorstep. Middle Pocket is one of the small communities that await you to be part of in the Northern Rivers, one of the most beautiful parts of Australia.
Northern Rivers is defined by the mighty river system. The Clarence River starts in the west and flows south to the floodplains of Yamba. The Wilsons River and Richmond Rivers flow through the middle of the region converging in Coraki and out to Ballina headlands. The Tweed River in the north of the region flows through the ancient volcanic shield of Wollumbin (Mt Warning) out to the Pacific Ocean.
Videos also available.