LJ Hooker Commercial are now leasing 4-6/ 267 Smart Road ST AGNES, formerly used as Real Estate offices.
The property is air conditioned, recently repainted and offers rear amenities including private toilet and kitchenette area. Potential uses such as office space, gym, dog grooming service, beauty bar, physio, medical uses and other retail outlets. The tenancies also has the option to be leased as two separate shops.
Other features include;
Substantial car parking in centre
Dual front and rear access
Two separate kitchenette facilities
Existing alarm onsite
Signage potential High Profile
Neighbouring tenancies include Nevs Café, Hairdresser, Laundromat, Burger and Pizza Bar, Wellness Centre. All offers considered.
For further information contact Stephanie Fruin on 0435 220 799.
RLA 231 015