401 York-Willams Road, Dale
160.4818 Hectares/Approx. 396 Acres
• Menewe is located on the corner of York-Williams Road and Springhill Road. The property is in the locality of Dale which is in the Beverley Shire and in the district of Avon.
• Approximately 22km west of Beverley and approximately 117 km to the metropolitan area.
• Secure Rainfall area with BOM figures suggesting an annual rainfall of between 435mm to 450mm.
• Soil types consist mainly of lighter to medium pale sands with some gravelly ridges. Original vegetation comprises mainly of white gum and flooded gums.
• Fencing is steel post and ringlock in excellent condition. Most of the property is fitted with electric fencing in good working order.
• 2 dams and I soak
• 3 bores with the main bore being equipped with a solar pump .
• 2/1 Transportable home in good condition
• 1 x donga and 1 x sea container
• This property provides an opportunity to secure an excellent add-on block suitable for cropping and or livestock. Also at a suitable size to offer a lifestyle opportunity in an area not far from the city.
Offers from $1,500,000
For further information please contact Phil Becker 0412 578 429 or Rohan Gaunt 0438 471 226 from Nutrien Harcourts