Situated in the locality of Scotts Brook, "Wakhinup" is 41 km west of Kojonup and 43km east of Boyup Brook. Comprising of 310 hectares, the property offers an excellent opportunity to expand in the medium to high rainfall zone of the Great Southern of WA.
Wakhinup is an ideal mixed farming property with approximately 250 hectares suitable for high production cropping and the majority of the balance suited to livestock enterprise.
The predominant soil types across the cropping zones are a mix of gravel loams with areas of red loams. The livestock zones are predominantly sandy loams lower in the landscape carrying some kikuyu pastures.
The property is fenced into 7 paddocks serviced by 9 dams and 1 soak with fencing of average to good condition and a good amount of recently erected new fencing. The property has been well farmed under the current ownership with a liming program over recent years including applications in the past 12 months.
The fixed improvements include a steel framed 4 stand shearing shed with a lean to that includes a fertiliser pad. Adjoining the shearing shed is a set of mainly new steel sheep yards with a capacity of approximately 1000 head. A 70 ton grain silo and a Flexi N tank also form part of the improvements.
Situated on the main Boyup Brook-Kojonup Road this property presents an ideal opportunity to expand.
Wakhinup is offered for sale by 'Offers to Purchase', closing 5pm September 15th 2023.
For more information and to organise an inspection call Ian Hanna on 0427215076.