An iconic building in the heart of picturesque Meadows, 50 Mawson Road Meadows was previously home to the well renowned Meadows Bakery and Tearooms. The premises will suit a variety of operations (STNC) with onsite parking and easy access to passing traffic. Comprising of improvements totally approximately 265 square metres and set on two titles totaling approximately 1,872 square metres of land zoned Local Activity Centre
With significant infrastructure in place including cool rooms and commercial kitchen area you could be up and running in no time.
Options to consider include (subject to necessary consents)
Re-establishing a Bakery and Tearooms
Restaurant / Café
Cellar Door Sales
Distillery Operations
Function Venue
Boasting magnificent landscaped gardens the opportunities to create a unique venue are endless.
Inspections are strictly by appointment with the agent.
David Burford
Raine & Horne Commercial SA
8 Greenhill Road Wayville SA 5034
M: 0447 200 732 E:
RLA 283100