675 Brighton Road
Seacliff SA 5049
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- › 675 Brighton Road, Seacliff SA 5049
0419 035 104
0419 859 130
More about 675 Brighton Road Seacliff SA 5049
675 Brighton Road Seacliff SA 5049 is categorized as Showroom & Bulky Goods Property. It has a floor area of 390 m² and a land area of 981 m². The listing ID for this property is 17448786.
More Showrooms / Bulky Goods properties for Lease in Seacliff SA
For Lease$120,000 p.a. + GST & Outgoings
675 brighton road,seacliff, SA 5049
390 m²
Showrooms / Bulky Goods