Located in high rainfall country Kentucky has size and scale ideal as a standalone property or additional opportunity to complement existing enterprises
Key Features
* Total area *416.8 hectares or *1030 acres
* Title details lot 137 in Deposited plan 753044
* Upper Lachlan shire, zoning, RU 2 Rural
* Approx 50% scenic and elevated red loam basalt country
* Balance sheltered sloping fertile granite loam topography
* Long established improved pastures, regularly fertilized
* Fertilized program incl Single super, triple super, MO and lime
* Pasture mix of clovers and rye, Phalaris, cocksfoot and prairie grass
* Approx 400 acres suited to cropping, with history of oats, triticale and wheat
* 30 Well fenced paddocks,32 dams, equipped bore reticulating to troughs
* Water access to spring fed gullies and Willow tree creek
* Older three-bedroom homestead in need of renovation
* Sound working improvements including three stand wool shed ,2 sets of
sheep yards, cattle yards and 40 tonne silo for grain storage
* Owner reports long term stocking rate upward of 4000 DSE
* Current program *1500 1st cross ewes producing some *2000 lambs annually
* Previous programs included cattle breeding, fattening and fodder crops
* Approximates