It's some of the Fleurieu's most scenic terrain, and historic 'Coomooloo' beckons as a significant 192-hectare slice of prime, high rainfall grazing country across 5 freehold titles.
Integral to Inman Valley's rich past, the Lush family took the reins of 'Coomooloo' in 1938, the property has changed hands just once; the current custodian acquiring the property in 2015.
Ideally situated near historic Yankalilla, with easy access to coastal Victor Harbor and the pristine beaches of Normanville and Carrickalinga, this easily accessible property boasts unrivalled sea views from many vantage points.
The land boasts productive pastures of clover, phalaris and rye grasses, excellent fencing, and functional paddock design with beneficial capacity to increase production; its soils suitable for high-capacity breeding, fattening or backgrounding operations.
Beyond the blend of improved pastures, treed and fenced creek lines and sensible stands of native vegetation is the ability to utilize about 400 odd acres for hay and cropping; the remaining rich, heavier-carrying loamy soils are primed for grazing.
Water security is a feature of 'Coomooloo' receiving an average annual rainfall of approx. 27 to 28 inches (675mm - 700mm). Stock water is secure thanks to highly functional water harvesting and distribution systems - windmill and dams to header tanks for gravity-fed paddock troughs.
Steeped in history, unequalled in capacity, reliability and performance. Discover the ag-rich potential…
6kms to Inman Valley, 10kms to Yankalilla, 15kms to Normanville Beach & Myponga, 26kms to Victor Harbor & 72kms to Adelaide International Airport (all approx.)
C.T. 5497/707
S382 / 32.4ha (80acs)
C.T. 5555/277
S375 / 32.5ha (80.3acs)
C.T. 5467/246
S383 / 32.37ha (79.98acs)
C.T. 5555/276
S374 / 33.7ha (83.2acs)
C.T. 6002/871
A5 / 61.7ha (152.4acs)
Total Land Area: 192ha (475acs)
Hundred: Yankalilla
Council area: Yankalilla
Zone: Rural
Paul Clifford R&H Rural SA 0427 796 144
All information provided has been obtained from sources we believe to be accurate, however, we cannot guarantee the information is accurate and we accept no liability for any errors or omissions. Interested parties should make their own enquiries and obtain their own legal advice...