Raine & Horne Commercial Canberra are pleased to offer for sale Block B, 2 Unwin Street, Weston ACT.
2 Unwin Street, identified as Block 1 Section 82 Weston, is the former home to the Australian Federal Police who relocated to a new facility in Majura. The 58,590sqm site is currently the process of being subdivided into 4 lots by The Village Building Co, to be configured as follows:
• Block A - 15,473sqm permitting retirement village - for sale
• Block B - 3,000sqm permitting healthcare facility - for sale
• Block C - 3,100sqm permitting child care - SOLD
• Block D - 37,023sqm permitting residential - not for sale, to be developed by the existing landowner
Key features of Block B:
• 3,000sqm brownfield site in established central Canberra suburb
• Zoned RZ4: Medium Density Residential
• Use permitting healthcare facility
• Located adjacent to proposed retirement village, childcare centre and townhouse development comprising 168 dwellings
Weston contains the central shopping area of the Weston Creek district, which includes 'Cooleman Court' shopping centre. Other facilities in Group Centre include a post office, petrol station, restaurants, clubs, real estate agents and many other specialty shops. Being an established suburb of the ACT, Weston largely comprises large single dwelling homes, many of which are owned by multi-generational families, retirees and future downsizers.
For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact Raine & Horne Commercial Canberra.