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Calingunee QLD 4390
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Calingunee QLD 4390

  • Rural / Farming
  • 4,922 ha
  • For Sale, EOI

Beef Production Powerhouse Underpinned by Irrigation

    LAWD and Nutrien Ag Solutions are pleased to present Widgewa (the Property).
    From fodder production to feedyard Widgewa is a beef production powerhouse underpinned by irrigated and dryland cropping, located in the highly sought-after Western Darling Downs.

    Key Investment Highlights:
    - Location: 65* kilometres north of Goondiwindi , 219* kilometres west of Toowoomba and 351* kilometres west of Brisbane.
    - Scale: Total area of 4,922* hectares (12,163* acres) across a single freehold land holding.
    - Operation: Comprising an efficient cropping and grazing operation including developed centre pivot irrigation (88* hectares), dryland cropping (705* hectares), cleared grazing land (1,811* hectares) and timbered grazing land (1,757* hectares) with the balance land supporting operations.
    - Carrying Capacity: Estimated carrying capacity of 1,700* Adult Equivalents.
    - Climate and Soils: Favorable climate and reliable rainfall (average annual rainfall of 520* millimetres) combined with a mix of fertile grey, yellow and red self mulching clay soils underpin production.
    - Water: Securely watered from a 1,200* megalitre overland flow catchment dam, a stock and domestic bore supplying tanks and troughs throughout, supported by 13* dams and frontage to the Weir River.
    - Land Development: Recent extensive land development of over 1,314* hectares.
    - Structures: High quality operational infrastructure for cropping and grazing enterprises includes a recently constructed steel cattle yards (750* head capacity) plus a 600* Standard Cattle Units (SCU) containment yard and a 1,600* tonne silage pit. Widgewa is benefitted by plentiful accommodation options including a four-bedroom homestead and new three-bedroom quarters.

    For further information, contact the selling agents.


    Property Highlights

    Floor AreaAsk Agent
    Land Area4,922 ha
    ParkingAsk Agent
    Annual ReturnAsk Agent
    AvailabilityAsk Agent
    Property ID2019099246
    Last updated  12 Mar 2024
    Map for Calingunee QLD 4390
    The "rollout status" and "service type" can connect to services over the nbn network but may require additional work to be completed first. On rare occasions, some premises cannot be connected.

    Property Highlights

    Floor AreaAsk Agent
    Land Area4,922 ha
    ParkingAsk Agent
    Annual ReturnAsk Agent
    AvailabilityAsk Agent
    Property ID2019099246
    Last updated  12 Mar 2024

    More about Calingunee QLD 4390

    Calingunee QLD 4390 is categorized as Rural & Farming. It has a land area of 4,922 ha. The listing ID for this property is 2019099246.

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