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Ferndale/2794 Elcombe Road
Bangheet NSW 2404
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Ferndale/2794 Elcombe Road Bangheet NSW 2404

  • Rural / Farming
  • 1,248.86 ha
  • Commercial Auction


    It is with great pleasure we offer Ferndale to the market. This property is situated 17km northwest of Bingara in the Horton River Valley. It presents a significant production opportunity. One of the most exciting features of Ferndale is its mixture of soils types which offers versatility in agricultural production.

    The 1180 acres of heavy black and chocolate soils combined with the 28 inches of average annual rainfall offers the opportunity to grow any winter or summer crop. The remainder of the property is predominantly red basalt soils that are excellent for improved pasture and livestock production. Ferndale has been lightly stocked in the recent months with the 650 acres of tropical pastures and significant native grasses giving it a massive feed-bank available for immediate stocking.

    There is water security a plenty with a 5000gal/hr solar bore supplying 30 troughs as well as 12 new dams constructed throughout the property. Other improvements include two large 4 bay machinery sheds and 300 head steel cattle yards which have all-weather access.

    This is a truly great opportunity to invest in a quality property that offers real diversity in agricultural production.

    Other improvements include:

    Newly renovated 3 bedroom plus office cottage

    8 Silos (3x75 tonne, 3 x 50 tonne, 2 x 10 tonne)

    New steel 300 head capacity cattle yards (plus two other smaller sets 150, and 100 hd)

    6km of exclusion fencing and 6.5km of new laneways

    2 unequipped bores

    5km of new contours

    For more information contact Charlie Hart 0428 658 457


    Auction date and time05/04/2024 11:00
    Auction locationOnline
    Hart Rural Agencies
    Hart Rural Agencies
    135 Queen Street
    Barraba, NSW 2347

    Property Highlights

    Floor AreaAsk Agent
    Land Area1,248.86 ha
    ParkingAsk Agent
    Annual ReturnAsk Agent
    AvailabilityAsk Agent
    Property ID2019072315
    Last updated  
    Map for Ferndale/2794 Elcombe Road Bangheet NSW 2404
    Hart Rural Agencies
    Hart Rural Agencies
    135 Queen Street
    Barraba, NSW 2347

    Property Highlights

    Floor AreaAsk Agent
    Land Area1,248.86 ha
    ParkingAsk Agent
    Annual ReturnAsk Agent
    AvailabilityAsk Agent
    Property ID2019072315
    Last updated  


    Charlie Hart
    Hart Rural Agencies
    0428 658 457
    Tessa Archer
    Hart Rural Agencies

    More about Ferndale/2794 Elcombe Road Bangheet NSW 2404

    Ferndale/2794 Elcombe Road Bangheet NSW 2404 is categorized as Rural & Farming. It has a land area of 1,248.86 ha. The listing ID for this property is 2019072315.

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