The listing of this property offers the buyer a rare opportunity to secure a lifestyle block within minutes' drive from Gayndah.
- The property comprises sandy alluvial soil on the banks of the Burnett River in a flood-free area
- Sold with 1meg water allocation included plus the option of more allocation at an additional cost, if required
- Currently planted to citrus however the current owners are keen to lease back the citrus trees and the cool-room, workshop and amenities for $20,000.00 per annum for a period of 3 years to 31st August, 2028.
- The low-set dwelling is a huge 253sqm and its construction comprises a timber floor, timber frame, timber-clad walls and a metal roof
- Featuring four bedrooms plus an office with an extra-large living area, formal lounge room, modern kitchen, dining room and large bathroom
- A large entertaining area looks over the landscaped gardens
- The infrastructure on this property includes:
• 488sqm steel machinery shed with an earth and concrete floor. The shed has two large machinery bays plus four workshop bays
• A 526sqm degreening shed with a concrete floor and constructed of steel frame and metal clad walls and roof
• Two coolrooms/degreening rooms with a capacity for 360 bins
• Electricity and rainwater tanks connected
• 113sqm timber frame car shed with a concrete floor. An amenities block with a shower and toilet is housed in this shed
• 42sqm brick ablutions block with a toilet and shower cubicle
• A bore is equipped with a 37kW electric motor with a borehole pump which pumps at 37.5 litres per second. Historically 200megs per year has been used from this unregulated bore.
• Citrus varieties include Imperials, Murcotts and Tahitian Limes
This large home offers privacy and tranquility and a lifestyle property such as this is hard to find.
Contact Danielle on 0427 654 912 or visit our Facebook page for a walk-through video of the home.