Established multi species abattoir in a prime central west location. This facility would be suited to an owner/operator looking to grow a wholesale meat/service kill business, or high-value beef/lamb/pig/goat supply chain looking to secure killing arrangements in their own facility.
The 15.5-hectare (Zoned RU1) site includes 4 holding paddocks, undercover holding pens, small and big animal chain, 4 chillers, boning room, dispatch and loadout dock, office and staff amenities block. Town water supply. Major upgrade in 2016. Capacity 200 Cattle/week, 1,500 Lambs/week or 2,250 Goats/week.
Floor Area -
Buildings 280 sqm * + Meatworks 760 sqm * = 1040 sqm *
Land Area - 15.5 Ha *
Onsite Parking
19 metre B-Double access
Inspection by appointment only
Schute Bell Badgery Lumby
Cam McIvor Mob: 0429 900 118
Nutrien Yass
Anthony Harris Mob: 0408 241 964
This information has been obtained from our vendor(s) and third parties. We make no representations to its accuracy. All computer images, maps and photographs are indicative only. We are merely passing the information on. Interested parties should make their own enquiries.