Suite 3/Ground Floor, 235 Darby Street
Cooks Hill NSW 2300
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- › Suite 3/ground Floor, 235 Darby Street, Cooks Hill NSW 2300
0407 027 277
More about Suite 3/Ground Floor, 235 Darby Street Cooks Hill NSW 2300
Suite 3/ground Floor, 235 Darby Street Cooks Hill NSW 2300 is categorized as Medical & Consulting Property. It has a floor area of 13 m². There are 9 x onsite parkings.The listing ID for this property is 13113696.
More Medical / Consulting properties for Lease in Cooks Hill NSW
For LeasePlease contact agent
suite 3/ground floor, 235 darby street,cooks hill, NSW 2300
13 m²
Medical / Consulting